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Smadar +972-54-6458871 (Please send messages through WhatsApp)
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Contains alcohol - recommended to avoid excessive drinking
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English | עברית
Yatir Winery, Tel Arad |
אזהרה: מכיל אלכוהול - מומלץ להימנע משתייה מופרזת

From New-York To The Desert

09/11/2015 yatir

The artist Judith Margolis, who grew up in the Bronx, New York, is presenting an exhibition of works entitled Yatir Collection at the Yatir Winery. The journey of her life, testifies the artist, is filled with adventures like living in a commune in Oregon, United States, tranferring to the religious Jewish community in Brooklyn, and in 2000 moving from the Big Apple to the quiet and dramatic Yatir Region, which inspired the special works shown in the exhibition.

יצירת אומנות של ג׳ודית מרגוליס יצירת אומנות של ג׳ודית מרגוליס

The exhibition is shown in the tasting room of the Yatir Winery, from Sunday to Thursday, by advance appointment at the address: